Visit us at our headquarters in the East Side of Saint Paul, or at our offices in Minneapolis, Willmar, and Austin.
Office hours. Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Saturday-Sunday: Closed - Click here for holiday closure dates
An event every week that begins at 5:00 pm on Monday, repeating until February 8, 2021
Learn the concepts and software skills that you need to become a graphic designer in this four week lab! Join us and learn about image editing, logo design, and layout in Illustrator and Photoshop!
Contact us at to register and get information to join this lab!
For ages: 10 - 25 years old
Where and When?
Clues Online: Every lab will be done over Zoom, once a week, every Monday. Starting Monday January 25th 2021 and ends on February 15th 2021.
Mondays from 5:00pm - 6:30pm
CLUES is a nonprofit public charity recognized as tax exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3). CLUES tax ID: 41-1386986. Our Donor Privacy Policy can be found here.