Visit us at our headquarters in the East Side of Saint Paul, or at our offices in Minneapolis, Willmar, and Austin.
Office hours. Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Saturday-Sunday: Closed - Click here for holiday closure dates

Al Niño Con Cariño

In 2001, CLUES began hosting Al Niño con Cariño (To A Child with Love), a holiday event offering gifts and cheer to the families we serve, after discovering that many of our clients did not have the means to celebrate the holidays with their families. The initiative began as a small effort to provide toys and other needed items to a select number of families and has since grown with the help of many dedicated staff, volunteers and community partners.

Al Niño Con Cariño

CLUES Annual Holiday Toy Drive

To a Child with Love

During this season of giving, CLUES hosts a day-long holiday celebration designed to make the holidays brighter for families with limited resources, Al Niño Con Cariño (To a Child with Love). During this free family event, CLUES distributes new toys and gifts and allows the opportunity for parents to ‘shop’ for gifts for each of their children (ages 0-15).

Volunteers and donors play a valuable role in helping turn CLUES’ St. Paul office into a vibrant winter wonderland and ensuring the success of the event. While children engage in holiday crafts and activities, their parents step into a room filled with donated new toys and gifts. With support from bilingual shopping assistance volunteers, parents pick out one gift and one stocking stuffer for each of their children. Parents are then accompanied into the gift-wrapping room, where each of the gifts are carefully wrapped by volunteers to keep the magic of the holiday season alive.

Al Niño Con Cariño is a magical event filled with joy, laughter, and memories. Our distribution method promotes community by uplifting and empowering parents. For many families each year, Al Niño con Cariño can mean the difference between a holiday with presents and one without.

Empower the celebration
Make a monetary donation

Click here to donate now
Please add under “Gift Notes” that the donation is for ANCC

Questions? Contact

CLUES Saint Paul - 797 East 7th St, Saint Paul MN 55106 -  View on Map

2024 Registration for Families is CLOSED!


Thank you for participating in this year's event.

Visit Home - Toys for Tots to learn about other organizations offering toys


Empower the celebration! Make a monetary donation

Your monetary support for ANCC goes towards spreading joy with gifts, organizing a seamless event, and leaving a lasting impression. Contribute for a multi-faceted impact and make ANCC a truly unforgettable event!

Please add under “Gift Notes” that the donation is for ANCC.

In collaboration with

Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed 

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CLUES is a nonprofit public charity recognized as tax exempt by the IRS under section 501(c)(3). CLUES tax ID: 41-1386986. Our Donor Privacy Policy can be found here.


797 East 7th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106

Tel.: 651-379-4200
Fax: 651-292-0347


CareerForce Center
777 East Lake Street
Minneapolis, MN 55407

Tel.: 612-746-3500
Fax: 651-292-0347


2600 E 25th St Minneapolis, MN 55406
Tel.: 612-404-2600
Intake Tel.: 612-439-9671


324 3rd Street SW #2
Willmar, MN 56201

Tel.: 320-262-5106


111 Main St. N
Austin, MN, 55912

Tel.: 507-355-2575
