Our latest impact report is available now. Read a special introduction letter from President and CEO Ruby Azurdia-Lee and the highlights of CLUES' work during the past year. During 2023, […]
Visítenos en nuestra sede central del East Side de Saint Paul o en nuestras oficinas de Minneapolis, Willmar y Austin.
Horario de oficina. Lunes - Viernes: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Sábado-domingo: Cerrado Pulse aquí para conocer las fechas de cierre por festividades
Our latest impact report is available now. Read a special introduction letter from President and CEO Ruby Azurdia-Lee and the highlights of CLUES' work during the past year. During 2023, […]
… Said Governor Walz as he signed the largest infrastructure bill in state history. The $2.6 billion infrastructure bill will support funding for state agencies, counties, cities, universities, and established […]
CLUES turns 40 in 2021 and launches year-long celebrations. This spring, CLUES leadership unveiled our new Strategic Direction and Goals and introducing new Board leadership who will be guiding impact and success into […]
Program in Spanish and English. Join us on our Facebook Live event to learn about traditional backstrap loom weaving with Vera Choguaj Chajil, an indigenous Maya Kaqchikel weaver from Guatemala. […]
See how easy learning computer science can be. Use Scratch to create games, animations, stories and more. In this 4-week workshop, we will be using Scratch to learn the fundamentals […]
Learn the concepts and software skills that you need to become a graphic designer in this four week lab! Join us and learn about image editing, logo design, and layout […]
Join us for this fun and engaging 4-week Photoshop workshop! Discover tips for photo manipulation and learn about photo manipulation techniques. Contact us at teentechcenter@clues.org to register and get […]
Learn to code with us at the BBTTC at CLUES in this 4-week workshop. Come explore web standards technologies like Javascript, HTML & CSS. Take on projects that will help […]
Learn how the future works! Join us at our BBTTC at CLUES to get you started in the exciting world of computer programming! This will be a 4-week lab where […]
CLUES es una organización benéfica pública sin ánimo de lucro reconocida como exenta de impuestos por el IRS bajo la sección 501(c)(3). Número de identificación fiscal de CLUES: 41-1386986. Nuestra Política de Privacidad del Donante se puede encontrar aquí..